Thank you for applying to Upward Bound at West Texas A&M University. Please fill out this application completely and to the best of your knowledge. 

Incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed. 

Upon review, a UB staff member will be in contact. If you have any questions you may call the office line at 806-651-2351. You may also email us at


General Information
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Student Cell Phone Number
Home Phone
Student School Email *
Student Personal Email *
Ethnic Background *
Are you a US Citizen or permanent resident?
Why are you applying to UB? *
Are you in TRIO College Talent Search? *
Academic Information
Current Grade Level *
School Currently Attending *
Please identify the areas you are in need of support in (Select all that apply)
Computer Science/Stem
Financial Literacy(Budgeting)
Understanding Federal Student Aid, Loans, Scholarships, Grants, etc.
Career exploration, interviewing skills, building a resume, etc.
Study skills, Test prep, ACT/SAT Prep
Career Exploration
College Exploration
Household Information
Please select who you currently live with *
Mother's Education Level *
Father's Education Level *
How many people are in your household: (Include yourself, parents, siblings, and any other dependents) *
What is your household's TAXABLE INCOME. TAXABLE INCOME can be found on the 1040 tax form, line 15 or the 1040A tax form, line 27.* *
Most Recent IRS 1040 (Please Attach a copy)


Parent Information

First and Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Email Address *

Sign and Submit

By signing electronically below, the student and parent/guardian agree to the following:

1. Verify that all information provided on and attached to this application are correct and true. 

2. Agree to the UB Participant Terms and Conditions. (Please click and read)


Applicant Signature: *
Please select a signature verification type.
Parent/Guardian Signature: *
Please select a signature verification type.
Relationship to Applicant *